Believing in the impossible becoming possible?

This Will Wednesday, I thought I would share an experience we had with Will last night and this afternoon.  As you all are aware, Will is blind.  He started losing his vision at 5.5 years old, and over the last 11 years has lost most of his eyesight.  His eye appointments over the last couple of years reveal, he stills sees light and dark, but can’t see colors or shadows, people or objects.  In 2018, the NIH shared that his visual pathways are all atrophied.  His brain is not transmitting information to his beautiful, green sightless eyes. All caused from his Batten disease. 

His eyes would appear to be a hopeless situation, buy yet, we still pray everyday his eyes will one day see again. 

Last night as we tucked him into bed, he said “My eyes can see tonight.” 

I replied, “They can?!!??  Can you see me Will?  Your mommy’s face staring at you smiling?” as I leaned over his face and got real close.

“Yes I can!,” he replied.  

I said as silent prayer, thanking the Lord for continuing to heal his eyes and went to sleep.

This afternoon, we were in the car heading down Research Forest.  Will was in the 2nd row seat, behind me, on the driver’s side.  Sitting at a light, I looked to the left and noticed an older, unique looking car sitting directly next to us.  It was definitely from the 80’s a Cadillac looking car with a slanted back, white body and navy blue canvas looking top that possibly was a convertible.  I had not seen a car like that in decades.

I turn back to the road, waiting for the light and I hear Will say, “Hey Mom, look at this race car next to us.”  Amusing him, I say, “Yes, Will I see that! Do YOU see that?”

Excited to hear what his imagination has conjured in his brain.  “He said yes, I do.” 

I said, “What color is it?”  

He responded, “It’s White, but the top is Blue.” 

Wait, WHAT?? In my mind? 

I said, “ Will that car is two colors?” 

He said, “Yes iI think it is convertible!”

Steele, Magnus and I all sat at the light in amazement, staring at the boy staring at the car next to us… The boy who shouldn’t be able to see anything.


Will has shared before that he feels like his angels talk to him in his dreams.  Are they telling him what he sees, or is really seeing it?  Either way, him knowing the answers to our questions, is miraculous in itself.

I’m considering this a sign.  

In the middle of all the chaos and the additional unknown this pandemic has brought into our lives which has already been stuck in a place of unknown since 2009, how grateful I am that our Lord, our promise, continues to share signs that HOPE is on the horizon. A sign that he is still in the miracle-working business.  We will take this small glimmer of HOPE and it will fuel us until the next sign comes.   

Will, as a nearly 17.5 year old boy battling Batten is a walking miracle to all who know him. He takes his challenges in stride, with that amazing smile and beautiful warmth and positivity that can only be God given. 

Today, on this WILL WEDNESDAY, please know our Will is strong, courageous, healthy and patiently waiting for his miracle to be granted.  As many of  you are aware, he fought COVID last month and he was a champ. Before his illness he had a fun trip to the Beach and enjoyed art with his favorite teacher Ms. Virginia at the house. This week we were excited he went back to Physical Therapy, Big Foot hunted at the rugby fields, walked his dog and shopped in his mask.  He is LIVING and we are so blessed, loving, each day.   

It’s been 4,038 days since our diagnosis.  We continue to look for the signs and are grateful for the guidance to stay steadfast on our path less traveled.  We hope this message of HOPE feeds soul. If my blind child with a terminal illness, saw even for a moment today, and continues his walk in the unknown with faith, then God has a hand on whatever you are dealing with too. 

Remember Fear is contagious, but so is HOPE!

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