This is how I will remember 2020.
Matthew 7:7-8 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened t...
A prayer answered: Will Saw Today!
Believing in the impossible becoming possible? This Will Wednesday, I thought I would share an experience we had with Wil...
I Wish He Could See
I wish he could see. I wish he could see my love for him. I wish he could see our eyes light up when he speaks. I wish he co...
Rare Disease Day
Rare meaning not occurring very often; not found in large numbers; seldom found; Or the definition I prefer: “Distincti...
A Metaphor for My Life
This view… like a metaphor for my life. As I sit on this beautiful beach at 43 years and 2 days, I look out at all its be...
Live and Love
Thank you for following my blog. It’s super slim right now but I am constantly writing content…just a little timid about pu...
A Rare Perspective
24 eyes staring back at me. Looks of worry, fear, piercing eyes of despair. I recognize those eyes, those feelings. I s...
Just Keep Walking
Just keep walking. “Thank you Mommy” …if I could bottle that voice and those words of gratitude when they come fro...
To: HOPE From: Steele
A simple box wrapped in gold and white striped Christmas paper with a christmas tree tag reading: To: HOPE From: Steel...